Contests | Sweepstakes | Games
Put our experience and your objectives to work and run this powerful promotional tool with complete confidence.



Here's the "top line" on Games...

Why run one?
A strong traffic & sales builder. Games offer "instant gratification", immediate feedback, the chance to "win on the spot"...and a compelling reason to come back to play again! Additionally, prizes can be designed to spur repeat visits. Tangible and fun to play, games are more expensive than sweepstakes...but they deliver measurable sales increases. Plus we use the game ticket for more than "prize delivery" - we put every inch of it to good marketing use.

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Defined ...
A game of chance, regulated by state lottery law, the focal point is a tangible game piece - the game piece might be data imaged under the cap, or on the inside of packaging. It can also be a rub-off, "scratchier", a pull-tab game card, or a "peel n' win" label on a product. The odds of winning are defined at the onset of the promotion based on the number of winning game pieces "seeded" into total production run.

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What you need: Security Printing
An insured security printer who's "been around the block". We work with a select number of security printers -- using the one printer uniquely suited to your format. Managing security printing, (from random/even construction through security, verification codes, high tier seeding & more), is a specialty -- our specialty. And here's a nice departure: WE DON"T MARK UP SECURITY PRINTING. We charge a fixed, one-time print management fee as a visible line item in your service proposal. It's fair and keeps the printing costs affordable for our clients.

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Lots of ways to play 'em ...

Instant Win "Scratcher" Games - Instant games can resemble "lottery" formats with a match 3 of 6, or 3 of 3 to win instantly. Familiar and entertaining, each game card "shows off" all of the prizes in the promotion.

De-coder Games ("red reveal") - Delivered by direct mail, statement stuffers, magazine insert or by "street teams" at high traffic events. A great way to draw customers in-store and/or to a specific display. Prize image appears "scrambled" until placed under the display where the prize image/message is visible.

Continuity Games - Collect parts of an image, words or phrases; depending on promotion length, may use a collection board. Used to sustain repeat traffic over longer period; prizes in continuity games can be cost effectively insured allowing you to offer the "mega-million dollar" prizes.

Web Game Cards - A strong tool to drive in-store and web traffic simultaneously. Each game card has a unique numbered codes - a code that is needed to enter or win instantly at your website.

Q & A Games - Each game card poses a question and 2-3 answers; players "rub-off" to see if they've made the right "pick". Great educational tool for employee promotions; can also be used to familiarize the customer with product features.

Bonus Boosters - Add extra incentives for your sales force during a key period, or for a new product. Game cards with cash amounts are awarded based on hitting sales targets.

Mystery Discount - Drives retail traffic and purchases on key day/weekends. Game cards offer discounts on purchases from 5% up to 75% off. Delivered by direct mail, customers can't rub-off until they present it in-store to see how much they can save.

Peel 'n Win - On-the-cup or on-package promotions, a multi-ply adhesive game label is produced in a security print environment and applied during the packaging process.

Bar-Code Scanner Games - An "out reach' tool, similar to the de-coder games, which drives traffic to a store or display. Game pieces have a bar-code and customers wand their cards at a bar-code reader to hear or see what prize they've won.

In-Pack Games - No worries when you place a game card in-pack - we ensure our printers are working with FDA approved inks, paper and over wrapping. .

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What you can expect from us...

  • Recommendations for the type of game, how many tickets, distribution options
  • Game card design - or design direction for your creative staff
  • Prize structure "models" with prize, redemption & fulfillment costs
  • Print Management with a fully insured, experienced security printer
  • On-site seeding at packaging or product production facilities
  • Guide books and training materials for your staff
  • Official Rules, legal review, state filings
  • Free game pieces by mail
  • Verification of customers winning game pieces
  • Winner communication, affidavits, prize fulfillment
  • Publicity/PR winner photo shoot

Extra Mile -- Pre-game analysis to post-game wrap, we put games to work for our clients.

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